
Applications closed

1st Date:
June 26th 2024 – Nice
Basic/Intermediate level

2nd Date
November 16th 2024 – Paris
Advanced level

This workshop is a unique experience to improve and discover new guidewires and microcatheters and know how to master them and for which lesions!

A two-day workshop designed to provide, from basic to advanced levels, practical and medical education on coronary occlusion. An opportunity to explore the many different products and techniques used in the treatment and management of CTO lesions.

Divided into small groups, participants will get a chance to use our hands-on models through a guidewire and microcatheter simulation zone.

This workshop is run in partnership with worldwide experts and leading companies in the field.


The Academy Grant to participate in this workshop covers:

1st Date: June 26th 2024 in Nice (France)
– Workshop registration fees
– Accommodation for 3 nights (from Tuesday, June 25th to Friday, June 28th)
– Participation in the Pre-course of the ML CTO congress (compulsory attendance)
– Registration fees for the ML CTO Congress

2nd Date: November 16th 2024 in Paris (France)
– Workshop registration fees
– Accommodation for 1 night (November 15th,  2024)
– Transportation refund up to 450€

Conditions to participate

  • Be a member of the Academy
  • Commitment to participate in both workshop dates (June 2024 & November 2024)
  • +(33)… Please indicate your country code
  • (128Mo max.)
    Accepted file types: pdf, pptx, docx, Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • (500 words maximum)

PROGRAM | Wednesday, June 26th 2024

Basic Level & Intermadiate Level


    08.30 Guidewires: how to use & indications, Gregor Leibundgut

    08.50 Microcatheters: how to use & indications, Kambis Mashayekhi

    09.10 Clinical case by Sensei , Masahisa Yamane

    09.30 Clinical case: Knuckle, Stéphane Rinfret

    09.50 Clinical cases: Parallel wire & Surfing septal, Alexandre Avran


    CTO PCI hands-on stations focusing on Guidewires & Microcatheters

Alexandre AVRAN



Stéphane RINFRET

Masahisa YAMANE