HostiumCTO Registry

a retrospective, multi-center registry for the evaluation of the clinical outcome following ostial RCA CTO procedures


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The prevalence of ostial CTO lesion of the RCA is the most prevalent and constitutes an increased challenge during PCI owing to the difficult engagement of the lesion as well as the use of the retrograde approach. The long-term clinical and angiographic outcome of such lesions need to be refined in a large international registry.





Primary Endpoint:
To assess the long-term (>6 months) clinical follow up of patients who underwent a CTO procedure of an ostial RCA.

Secondary Endpoint:
1- Angiographic patency of any stent implanted during the procedure;
Rate of complications (composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, major bleeding and cardiac tamponade) of the index procedure .

Inclusion critera:
An ostial CTO lesion of the RCA
A > 6 months angiographic follow-up

Exclusion criteria patient-related:
Patient <18 years old
Patient who specifically refused a retrospective assessment of their clinical records

Patients will be treated following local standards.
For this registry, the clinical events will be anonymously collected in a secured on-line database indicated for clinical research (

HostiumCTO is governed by a pan-European Steering Committee which is co-chaired by the coordinating investigators (Executive Committee).

Executive Committee

Alexandre Avran

Interventional Cardiologist,
Centre Hospitalier de Valenciennes,
Valenciennes, France

Kambis Mashayekhi

Interventional Cardiologist,
MediClin Heartcenter,
Lahr, Germany

Stéphane Carlier

Interventional Cardiologist,
CHU Ambroise Paré,
Mons, Belgium

Stéphane Rinfret

Interventional Cardiologist,
Emory Heart Center,
Atlanta, United States

Project management
Chadi Ghafari

Chadi Ghafari

Mons – Belgium

Study coordination
Dummy Image

Egina Timiras

Mons – Belgium

Statistics coordination
Alessandro Scalia

Alessandro Scalia

Mons – Belgium

Data Safety Monitoring Board

Roberto Garbo

Interventional Cardiologist,
Maria Pia Hospital,
Torino, Italy

Data Safety Monitoring Board

Thomas Hovasse

Interventional Cardiologist
Hôpital privé Jacques Cartier,
Massy, France